API Usage for WebSpam detect (2.0)

It's just an HTTP GET, and the page will return some simple text/XML/JSON/serialize indicating the IP or E-Mail risk and some other information.

  • http://{your_api_host}/2.0/webspam/?ip=[email protected]&username=Buy Viagra&pkey=


These are the input values that specify your request.

Parameter Description
pkey (REQUIRED) Each subscriber to API Web Services is uniquely identified by an ID sequence and every request to Web services requires this ID.
ip (REQUIRED) IP (v4) address.
email E-Mail (Always use urlencode for email parameter)
username User name or user login
qt Optional parameter for show query process time. By default as 0


API returns text which means it can be used within any programming language and on any platform.
IP-BAD! Score: (1) EMAIL: OK.
IP-BAD! Score: (1) EMAIL-BAD! Score: (2)


PHP code to check for a matching response returned from our site. The arguments you can check for are: IP, EMAIL, USERNAME You can check for a spammer record using all, a couple or just one of those search terms (IP is required).
$pkey = 'aaaaaaa'; $url = "http://{your_api_host}/2.0/webspam/"; $email = urlencode($email); $username = urlencode($username); $ip = urlencode($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $response = @file_get_contents($url.'?ip='.$ip.'&email='.$email.'&username='.$username.'&pkey='.$pkey); if (strpos($response, "-BAD!") > 0) $isSpammer=1;

Error reporting

Any errors reported, within the control of the API, will be presented in the simple text format and started from "ERROR:"

  • ERROR: Validating API request format failed, please check your API request.
  • ERROR: Authenticating customer failed, please check your authentication ID.
  • ERROR: Authenticating customer failed, your authentication ID is disabled.
  • ERROR: API determines some internal errors, please try again or contact us.